Make your brand memorable

Posts in Category: branding

Brand Voice: When is a Swear Word Not a Swear Word?

Is swearing on-brand for your business? Maybe it is. There are definitely more than a few businesses these days who use the words George Carlin said you “couldn’t say on television” in their everyday brand messaging. (If you’re offended by foul language, do us both a favor and don’t click that link. 👆 If you’re not, you

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Content Marketing, Simplified: The Brand Story Podcast

In this wide-ranging interview, Dana Herra and Steve Gilman of The Gravity Group talk all things content – misperceptions, pitfalls, and why brand voice matters more than you think.

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How to Position Your Brand (Even if You’re a Tiny Fish in a Big Pond)

The first client I ever helped through their brand positioning had all the elements of a brand. They had a visual identity, a tagline, a values statement – the whole shebang. But they still struggled to stand out from their competitors. Some of the client’s messaging talked about their years of experience, some talked about

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Is ‘Start With Why’ a Good Marketing Strategy? (Was It Ever?)

It’s been more than a decade since Simon Sinek inspired us all to “start with why.” Today, those three words are the cornerstone of many a marketing mantra. The question is – should they be? “Start with why” is a great tagline. It’s short, catchy, and broad enough to apply to far more scenarios than

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Why You Shouldn’t Base Your Brand Voice on What Works for Wendy’s

Want to scare your marketer or copywriter in just six words? Repeat after me: “I want to sound like Wendy’s.” *Cue head banging on desk* No, sugar. No, you don’t. This is not a slam against Wendy’s. They are indisputably the brand master of Twitter, which is exactly why they give marketers such a headache.

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Brand Voice Matters. Here’s How to Make Yours Great

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A lot of small businesses are running around out there with multiple personalities or worse, no personality at all. In marketing, a business’s personality is known as its brand voice. Done right, brand voice tells audiences everything they need to know. It establishes the company in customers’ minds as a friend or expert they want

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