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Posts in Category: marketing content

Solutions vs. Transformations: Deliver the Content Your Audience Wants

There’s a painful truth all professional content creators must reckon with. It’s not about you. It’s not about any of us. If you want to create content that digs deep into your psyche and bares your soul, write poetry. Paint. Make art films. If you want to create content that markets a business, turn away

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Compounding Interest (In Marketing Content)

A few weeks ago, my son happened to be running errands with me when I had to stop by my financial advisor’s office. As I signed documents and they chatted, my son mentioned he’d just graduated from high school. My advisor’s eyes lit up. He saw a chance to tell a fresh, young audience about

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An Important Storytelling Lesson

Great marketers are storytellers. It doesn’t matter if their medium is a 2,000-word blog post or a 20-word ad. When they can, they tell a story. Stories resonate. We feel them. We remember them. We relate to them, for good or bad. And so, as marketers, we try to write them. Now, let me save

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Repurposing Content? Try Repurposing Concepts

“Repurpose your content.” Like “follow your dreams” and “invest in the stock market,” it’s one of those things that lots of people tell you to do. But hardly anyone tells you how to do it. And some of the advice you have gotten on “how” is probably not great. “Break up your video into short

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How Long Should Marketing Content Be (Really)?

Once upon a time, back in my newspapering days, a guy who worked in the press room approached my desk in the newsroom. He held up a copy of the previous weekend’s paper. “Did you write this story about the flood?” he asked. I replied that I had. The flood story was a long one.

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Your Content is Flopping. Now What?

It’s heartbreaking. You’ve poured time and money into your content and your copy, and in return, you’re getting crickets. Disappointing. Disheartening. Discouraging. Possibly fixable — but there’s an order of operations to these things. Because fixing the wrong thing won’t get the right results. To fix your content, here’s what to evaluate — in order.

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Content Marketing, Simplified: The Brand Story [VIDEO]

In this wide-ranging interview, Dana Herra and Steve Gilman of The Gravity Group talk all things content – misperceptions, pitfalls, and why brand voice matters more than you think.

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Are You Distributing Content the Right Way or the Boring Way?

Content distribution is not the same as link distribution. To bring the audience to your amazing content, share the value of that content in small slices that leave them wanting more. Imagine hosting a party. The centerpiece of the celebration: a cake. Not just any cake – an amazing cake. You poured your time, effort,

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